Our Services

Our philosophy is to utilise, in an integrated approach, past experience and latest theories and techniques to ensure the soundness and reliability of our recommendations. We pride ourselves in combining our expertise and experience in the geotechnical slope stability field with an indepth understanding of the local environment to provide our clients with professional assistance. The scope of work in the specialised slope stability field include:


Scaling involves removal of smaller boulders and rocks which are loose and filling of any depression created with no fine concrete.

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Soil Nailing

A method of reinforcing in-situ soil using steel bars grouted into drilled holes with a facing element, usually in the form of reinforced gunite blanket, grid beam or individual concrete pads that serves to integrate all the soil nail, thus forming the stabilising and retaining structure.

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On Ground Netting

A method of composite slope protection using double twisted hexagonal wire mesh netting reinforced with galvanised wire rope cables with anchor at the top, on the face and at the foot of the slope. Its consolidating effect helps to establish vegetation and promotes growth.

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Reinforced Fill

A method of improving filled soil stability by means of geotextile reinforcement. Reinforced fill serves to form a composite material whose shear strength is greater than that possessed by the soil alone, thus enabling the soil and geotextile combination to carry loads considerably greater than those which would be carried by the unreinforced soil. The use of the free-draining material reduces build up of pore pressure.

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Rockfall Fence

A passive measure of slope protection using double twisted hexagonal wire mesh with I-beam posts and reinforced cables. Acts as a barrier to any trajectory of rocks which bounce whilst falling and prevent the rocks from falling onto the road etc.

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Rockfall Netting

A rockfall protection using double twisted hexagonal wire mesh netting reinforced with galvanised wire rope cables and fastened to the rock face by means of suitable anchoring. Serves to restrain and control the fall of rocks and contain falling rocks within the cover.

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Rock Bolting and Anchoring

A method of stabilising rock mass with steel bars or tendons grouted into drilled holes with a facing element, usually in the form of reinforced gunite blanket, grid beam or individual concrete pads that serves to integrate all the rock bolt and anchor. The installation of rock bolting and anchoring on rock slopes minimises the risk of plane and wedge failure or toppling failure.

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Stabilisation and protection of slope surface by means of sprayed concrete or shotcrete, usually applied over wire mesh anchored to the slope face. Drainage holes or weep holes are installed to avoid build-up of groundwater pressure. Spraying of surfaces prevents erosion and enhances slope stability.

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Horizontal Drain

A subsoil drain is a slotted or perforated pipe laid below ground and designed to remove excess water from the surrounding soil. Subsoil drains are often surrounded by a geotextile material to stop soil particles entering the pipe. Benefits of using horizontal drains can be obtained through the lowering of the water table.

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Terramesh System

A non-rigid structure constructed of double twisted hexagonal mesh cages filled with rocks. Serves as retaining structures or surface protection against erosion. Gabions allow free passage of water thus eliminates build up of hydrostatic pressure behind retaining structures. Normally used at bottom of slope to increase toe weight or as a retaining structure.

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Rock Mattress

A special form of gabion with plan area greater than its thickness. Fabricated from galvanised or PVC coated double twisted hexagonal wire mesh with diaphragms spaced at 1m intervals, reno mattress provides protection against forces of water such as rainfall.

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Grid Beam

The grid beam system is often used independently to protect slope surfaces from erosion, or used as a supporting structure, combined with ground anchors or soil nails to stabilize the slope against failures. The area surrounded by the beams is often revegetated to improve aesthetics and harmonize the installation with the surrounding environment.

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Micro Pile

Micropiles are deep foundation element constructed using high strength, small diameter steel casing or threaded bar. High strength cement grout is then pumped into casing/ hole. Serves to support most types of structure & retaining structure.

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